THE READING Book 42: SERVANT (1) The Awakening (LL Foster)

0042K0039. SERVANT The Awakening - Lori Foster
SERVANT (1) The Awakening


GENRE: fiction, paperback. Paranormal, romance, fantasy, supernatural

PUBLISHER: Berkley/Penguin

PAGES: 292

YEAR: 2007


DESCRIPTION: Gabrielle Cody is able to see demons as they truly are and has the God-given responsibility to destroy them. Unfortunately, Detective Luther Cross has taken a strange interest in her that has Gaby interested in learning more about other people. Then her neighbour and landlord Morty Vance is trying to intrude on her solitude and become her friend. Now she has an evil to defeat that she can’t find, but she has to keep Cross and Morty safe.



This was probably the first romance I ever read that didn’t include incest and didn’t have the main character raped. Yea… obviously I had a messed up childhood. It makes me more interesting I guess. Although I only grabbed it originally because the chick on the cover was hot and the second page had the fingertips being chopped off. Being my first actual romance, it became my favourite book ever. Now like, 7 years later, it’s probably not my favourite. It is still pretty high up there though. It includes creepy things, blood and gore, teasing, etc. I really want a movie of it… maybe a comic… but definitely movie…

Anyway, in my opinions, it’s well worth reading and well worth keeping.


Book #42
Keep #39
Lose #3

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